"We are very grateful for all your online safety guidance. We feel empowered and confident that we can continue to protect our children when online."

Our Curriculum

We have designed our curriculum around a desire for children to leave Cleves with the knowledge, values and skills to equip them for secondary school and beyond. Our curriculum offer has the National Curriculum 2014 at its core, while personalising content for our children and our locality. Over the past year, we have developed our History, Geography and Science provision further to ensure progression of knowledge and skills through the school and to facilitate children making connections in their learning, both between and across subjects. During this academic year, our focus will move to other foundation subjects.

To read more about the intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum at Cleves, please see below:  


Curriculum Overviews

Learning at Cleves is organised under broad topic headings while maintaining the integrity of individual subjects. Termly topics are often built around a History or Geography focus; literacy, art and DT can be related to the broader topic whereas other subjects such as Maths, Computing, Science, RE, PSHE, PE and Games, French and Music are largely taught discretely.

Please visit the pages on the left hand side of these pages for more information on each of our subjects.

The table below provides links to each year group's Yearly Curriculum Overview of as well as links to individual termly topic maps. These contain more detail about our curriculum provision as well as copies of the Information Evening presentations from the beginning of the school year.







The United Kingdom Ancient Egypt Rainforests  


Rivers Ancient Greece Invaders & Settlers  


Tudors Space Land Formations  


Innovation & Change Oceans Britain in WWII  


Cleves Guarantee

We have developed a list of 20 opportunities that Cleves children will have across their 4 years at our school.  This enriches our academic curriculum provision and helps to ensure equality of experience across the school. We give due consideration to the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to ensure all pupils can access these activities. Please click the link below for a printable copy.




Cleves Activity Passport 

The Cleves Activity Passport is designed to encourage children to participate in a range of activities at school and at home.

Year 3 Activity Passport

Year 4 Activity Passport

Year 5 Activity Passport

Year 6 Activity Passport

Passport Evidence Slip

Activity Passport Letter - Dec 2020


Learning Together